Congress Mahilas reach out to COVID19 patients & families providing them nutritious food

Panaji : Goa Pradesh Mahila Congress)GPMC) have reached out to old & young COVID patients with nutritious food “Homemade food is very often, even most often, the most nutritious food” said GPMC President Beena Naik.
“The initiative of our Congress Mahilas, their enthusiasm , care & an urge to do something for Covid patients & for their families who are helpless & in distress is commendable”, Said Naik. She asserted that Today’s WOMAN have proved themselves as:
W—Who looks towards the welfare of everyone.
O—Overcomes her personal
M—Matches with the work of man
A— Allows everyone in her fold
N— Never shy away from her
“These ladies  follow the diet as per the dietary video released by a doctor. Hygiene is taken care of. The food is packed in disposable containers” Informend Naik
While preparing the food Dietary chart is followed & food is supplied as per the demand. It is kept outside the hospital or house as per the instructions.
Naik also said that “Some of our Congress ladies are supplying  Oximeters, Masks, Sanitisers, Sanitary Napkins, helping in arranging Medical assistance, etc .
Our volunteers also take all their own precautions.
Today Young & Old our Volunteers are working on the field & that’s Congress culture. I would sum up by saying in what we believe, A friend in need is a friend indeed”


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