CM sawant’s assurance to Amit Shah on Mollem projects once again showed his poor ability to stand for Goans



Aam Aadmi Party once again castigated Chief Minister Dr Pramod Sawant for being a puppet of the Bharatiya Janata Party’s central High Command and not listening to the people of Goa and said that his latest statement that the Mollem project will be completed despite opposition from people of Goa is a proof.
Surel Tilve AAP Spokesperson pointed out that Dr Pramod has assured his Delhi party leaders that the Tamnar Transmission Project Ltd will be completed even though entire Goa is protesting against it and reiterated that this proof that Goa’s chief minister does not listen to Goans but dances to the tunes of his Delhi Party bosses who are backing this project.
“Goans have been objecting for so long now that they do not want their state to be converted into a coal hub, but the chief minister is refusing to listen to them,” lamented Surel while terming Dr Pramod as the most useless chief minister Goa has ever had.
He pointed out that just a week back Dr Pramod launched a Bird Festival at Mollem which he said was a total farce when in reality the chief minister is conniving to destroy the wild life in Mollem. “Let the chief minister tell the public how many birds he saw there and how many birds were spotted during the festival,” he said.
He alleged that such festivals are organized only to waste public money and help the BJP cronies and friends make some money under the guise of doing something at such farcical festivals.
He appealed to the chief minister to at least listen to the people now as they are protesting against coal, or protection of Mhadei river and Mollem wild life sanctuary and not be a mere puppet of BJP’s Delhi bosses.


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