CII Goa collaborates with Goa Institute of Management (GIM) in organising a Roundtable Discussion on Doing Business in India


A Roundtable Discussion on Doing Business in India was organized by Goa Institute of Management in collaboration with CII for the students of Mondragon University, Spain at the GIM Campus . The session was moderated by Dr Rohit Prabhudesai, Associate Professor, General Management & Economics and the experts from the industry in the state namely Mr Blaise Costabir, Past Chairman CII Goa State Council and Managing Director, GMI Zarhak Moulders Pvt. Ltd., Mr Vincent Ramos, Co Convenor CII Goa Panel on Tourism and Senior Vice President – Goa, Indian Hotels Company Ltd, Mr Prasad Sawant, Convenor CII Goa Panel on Defence and CEO & Managing Partner Buoyancy Consultants & Engineering LLP and Mr Pritam Onskar, Convenor CII Goa Panel on Startups and Founder Director, Brunchbites Private Limited

Challenges faced by startups, SMEs, and sustaining business competitiveness were the main topics of the session. How Spanish companies can make inroads into Indian markets, a query of the foreign students, was also expertly addressed by the panel members.

Mr. Costabir, spoke about how SMEs can sustain their competitiveness and how a business can be built successfully from the scratch, without compromising on ethical values. Mr. Ramos, spoke about the various brands under the Indian Hotels Company, which has a strong presence not just in Goa but across India through its multiple brands such as Vivanta and Ginger, elaborated on the need for clear ethical practices in business operations and the strong sustainable focus of the company, leading the way in sustainability in the Indian hospitality sector. Mr. Sawant’s spoke of the challenges faced in operating a service-oriented firm and making it scale up. Mr. Onskar has established the footprint of his Brunchbites Private Limited in Goa and beyond, and has been actively involved in startup mentoring, discussed the challenges faced in the initial phases by startups and how practically they can be overcome. The practical and diverse insights across sectors and industries were very much appreciated by the visiting students from Spain.


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