Canacona Police Constable on Crime Branch SIT radar for matka gambling


Canacona: The Special Investigation Team (SIT) of the Crime Branch is narrowing down on involvement of a police constable in connection with the raid on a matka den at Canacona.

Sources stated that two persons — Anand Narayan Gaonkar (31) and Kishor Gaonkar (27) — who were arrested during the raid had spilled the bean on the nexus with the police constable. During the raid Rs 69,510 was seized by the Crime Branch.
SIT which is probing the case has stumbled upon an important link with the police constable, who has been serving at Canacona Police Station. While details of his nexus is yet to be revealed by investigating agencies, it is expected that the constable may also be arrested under the Gambling Act.


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