BJP running political vendetta against my family: Subhash Velingkar



Panaji: Subhash Velingkar senior leader of Goa Suraksha Manch came down heavily on BJP criticizing the arrest on his son Shailendra Velingkar who was arrested for protesting in Shel-Melaulim agains the IIT. Velinkar has blamed BJP leaders Satish Dhond, Sadanand Tanavade and CM Pramod Sawant for vindictive politics against his family.
Velingkar also alleged that his son was badly beaten in the custody of police who have framed him in various crimes. “He was beaten to such a point that he suffered a hearing impairment” lamented Velingkar. Shailendra Velingkar has developed a clot near his ear said Subhash Velingkar.
He went to say that BJP in Goa is using govt machinery to harass his family. Judicial Magistrate First Class Margao has asked to submit a fresh medical report while Shailendra was transferred to Judicial Lockup. “Shalendra Velingkar was beat-up by Goa Police under the instructions of Goa Government,” alleged Subhash Velingkar. Subhash Velingkar also inferred that while he is the opponent of Congress they never played vindictive politics against him. “Political vendetta is the only principle of Goa BJP,” concluded Velingkar.


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