Association of Tourist Taxi Owners Adamant, say  Don’t want Digital Meter & Scrap GoaMiles

Panaji : Association of Tourist Taxi Owners, Goa (ATTO) held a press briefing today, present for the press briefing were  President of ATTO Chetan Kamat, Vice President Kundan Kerkar and General Secretary Gangaram Fadke.
Kamat said “When CM announced that he is going to give us good news we believed he is going to scrap GoaMiles and not mandate Digital faring metres, but instead he did the opposite”
Kamat informed the press that the digital meters have technical issues and will  likely affect the battery of the car. He said that the government should chair a meeting with the taxi operators and take them into confidence before making meters compulsory.
General Secretary of ATTO, Gangaram Fadke alleged that the government has completely ignored the technical aspect of the digital faring meter.
“They should have discussed the advantages and disadvantages of these meters which was not done. Hence, they (Government) are misguiding Taxi Operators,” Fadke Charged.
The Association also said that even after giving multiple memorandums to the Chief Minister Pramod Sawant, he has not held a meeting with them.


  1. AAP has given Financial Support for the people of Delhi. Hope BJP will give Financial Support for the people of Goa at the earliest, without any more delay.


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