Around Seventeen thousand people participate in the Annual Walking Pilgrimage at Sancoale

The annual Lenten Walking Pilgrimage was held at Sancoale today, 26th February, 2023, in the early hours of the day. At the beginning of the season of Lent this walking pilgrimage is an opportunity for the catholics to do penance and pray for their renewal and renewal of the world. It is a spiritual and penitential walk which benefits the spiritual growth of those who participate in faith. People have also testified that their prayers have been heard as a result of their penitential walk.
His eminence Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrao, priests, religious and catholics as well as some people from other religions participated in this walking pilgrimage. While highlighting the sacrificial aspect of the walk, His Eminence reminded the faithful about the sacrifice Jesus Christ offered for the salvation of the world by humbling himself before us. He urged the faithful to remain in union with God and neighbours while fulfilling the mission of Christ..
People began their journey to the venue from as early as 12.00am.  People moved in from three Centres in the South and two in North. The Archbishop himself walked with the people from Goa-Velha to Sancoale.
In his Homily Fr. Henry Falcao highlighted that when we humble ourselves before God and accept our failures He clothes us by his Grace and helps us to renew ourselves. He emphasised that we cannot hide our sins however hard we may try to but if we accept and ask God’s forgiveness he forgives and renews us. He reminded the faithful that it was at this old sancoale church, where only its facade remains today, that St. Joseph Vas surrendered himself to Our Lady so that he may be a faithful servant of the Lord.
At the end of the Mass Fr. Ligorinho D’Costa, the Convenor of the event thanked Holy trinity One God for His Blessings and Our Lady of Health, patroness of the Old Sancoale Church in making the walking pilgrimage a successful one. He thanked the Archbishop for inspiring the people to participate in this pilgrimage. He offered his special thanks to government officials and departments, the Police, Traffic Police, Fire Services etc for all their support. He thanked the Directorate of Health, Doctors, ambulance drivers, Nurses and other volunteers who helped in the safe organisation of the event. He thanked the Diocesan Youth Centre, Diocesan lay Apostolate and Diocesan Centre for Social Communications Media for their role in the organisation of the event. He thanked the Choir conducted by Fr. Mansueto Fernandes, Parish priest of Sancoale, Volunteers and all other coordinating team members. He specially thanked the press and electronic media for covering the event for the benefit of the Public. The Archbishop finally thanked the Convenor and all for the successful organisation of the event.


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