Aam Aadmi Party and Goan Citizens launch #GoansAgainstCorona campaign Begins training and deployment of volunteers armed with Pulse Oximeters to save lives across Goa



As the number of Corona cases in Goa increase at an alarming rate, Aam Aadmi Party is getting together with the people of Goa to launch a campaign across the state to save Goans from this deadly disease. AAP refuses to leave Goa at the mercy of Coronavirus. In mid-August, volunteers of AAP goa had begun this exercise across a few localities in Goa. IN the weeks after that, this activity got a lot of support from Goans who not only invited AAP volunteers to conduct this activity in their area, but also became an active part in helping expand the campaign. With this support, AAP has decided to expand this campaign across the state under the banner of ##GoansAgainstCorona.

AAP volunteers designated as “Oximitras” will help check oxygen levels of all Goans. These Oximitras will be armed with a pulse Oximeter and will go door to door to check oxygen saturation level of every Goan after making sure all precautionary steps are taken. If their oxygen level is low they will immediately advice them to get admitted to a hospital.AAP has trained over 400 volunteers for the implementation of Door to Door checking of Oxygen level in the body across Goa. The Volunteers will be equipped with necessary protective gears like face shield, mask, hand gloves and sanitizers along with Oximeters.

One of the causes of mortality in COVID is a sudden reduction in oxygen levels in the blood. It can cause patients to go into a very serious state very soon and can also be fatal. From July 13 to August 15, the number of Covid-19 fatalities shot up from 17 deaths to 91. This sharp rise comes at a time when deaths at the national level as a proportion of confirmed cases continues to fall. Apart from this, Goa’s daily tally is touching more than 500 cases everyday, as high as 700+ cases on a single day. Testing oxygen levels has been a major step to prevent mortality of patients in Home Isolation by the AAP Govt in Delhi. The AAP Govt provided oximeters to all patients recovering in Home Isolation so they could monitor their oxygen levels and get medical help in are they notice a sudden drop.

AAP has also announced a missed call number 7504750475, those who want to support the initiative can give a missed call. Apart from this, AAP Goa will also initiate a Corona info line through whatsapp, wherein people can get all the local updates and health tips with respect to Covid – 19.

AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal said “I am so happy that Aam Aadmi Party Goa is starting this very important campaign along with many Goans. In the last few weeks, many people in Goa, concerned about the rising cases and increasing deaths in Goa, have been approaching Aam Aadmi Party Goa that the citizens ought to do something. Therefore, AAP Goa has designed this campaign along with the people of Goa. It will be run by the people and AAP Goa.Â
It is a very noble campaign. I congratulate AAP Goa and wish them good luck in this campaign”

“I am happy to announce the launch of this campaign, I am sure that the unified effort of Goans will help defeat corona. This is one of the largest activities that AAP Goa will be undertaking and we are very thankful to so many Goankers who have come forward to support us in this initiative. I am pleased to appoint Rahul Mhambre as a the campaign incharge for this activity” , said Elvis Gomes, Goa state Convener AAP.

“We must firmly stand together in this fight against Covid and that is why we have decided that we will take this matter up with Goans, our only goal is to save as many lives as possible. Hence, with our ‘Goans against Corona’ campaign we will reach out to the houses of every Goan and provide free oxygen level check up. Timely detection of low oxygen levels on people can help prevent many deaths which is the most important thing for us right now. Our volunteers will be well trained to conduct this exercise in a safe manner” Rahul Mhambre added.


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