TCP begins process to draft Heritage Policy


Panaji: The department of Town and Country Planning (TCP) today constituted a sub-committee of the experts to draft State Heritage Policy that would decide on the conservation and protection of heritage structures besides giving them a particular look.

The TCP’s conservation committee under its chairman Vijai Sardesai met today and decided to appoint a sub committee comprising of Department of Archaeology officials and experts which will give final shape to the policy.

The policy will be placed before the House during the monsoon session of the State Assembly.

“It was decided to frame Heritage Policy for the state of Goa with the aim to frame architectural guidelines about nature of the Houses in conservation areas,” Sardesai said.

He said that various aspects like colour, texture of the structures besides other factors would be specified by the committee, which will be extensively covered under this policy.

The minister said that the policy will also decide on providing financial help for the protection and conservation of the heritage structures. Sardesai said that the policy will also envisage having a special corpus to provide financial help for the owners of heritage houses in the state.

Meanwhile, the Conservation Committee’s technical sub committee  has raised concerned that the proposed rope-way project from Panjim to Reis Magos will have impact on the fort. Hence, a joint meeting with Goa Tourism Development Corporation (GTDC) and Global Consultant is been called to decide on whether to allow the project.


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