Rahul Mhambre challenges Mapusa MLA Joshua D’Souza to publish white paper on development work


Rahul Mhambre, AAP Goa convenor challenged Mapusa MLA Joshua D’souza to publish white paper on the developmental work that has been carried out in the Mapusa constituency under the BJP government.

The AAP Goa convenor Rahul Mhambre was addressing the media along with Sunil Signapurkar, AAP leader on Tuesday. Mhambre said, ‘’recently Joshua D’souza announced a slew of works totalling around Rs 140 crore, including the commencement of underground power cabling work and laying of the foundation stone for a new Tar Bridge in Mapusa and one of the best roads in the State as around Rs 18 crore has been sanctioned to hot-mix all the roads in the constituency’’.

If one looks at the BJP’s manifeasto from the last 20 years, one will understand Joshua is not saying anything new. It was all listed under the BJP’s manifesto. said Mhambre. He slammed the government and Mapusa MLA Joshua D’souza for the failure to start the Mapusa sewerage plant despite inordinate delays.


He asked the government and MLA where the money on this project has been sunk since it is not operational. ‘’The residents of Mapusa have been saddled with a white elephant, and while the sewage plant lies unfinished, sewage is being discharged in the groundwater and has turned the Mapusa tar river into a gutter. The project which was to deal with the sewerage needs of Calangute, Baga and Mapusa has thus far not seen the light of day despite the Mapusa MLA being the VP of Goa State Infrastructure Development Corporation.’’, said Mhambre.


Mhambre further said, ‘’Joshua stated that the government will also take up construction of the Saraswat school ground costing Rs 2.5 crore. There are no street lights near Saraswat School, the area is surrounded with garbage but the MLA has been ignoring such problems’’.


Sunil Signapurkar, AAP leader said, ‘’in the last election people voted for Congress but they joined BJP. People have fed up with the Congress and BJP. They believe AAP is the only alternative party which will work for the betterment of the Goans. There have been a lot of issues Mapusa people have been facing. Mapusa fish market looks like a scrap yard. Mapusa people are facing parking issues. They don’t get water supply 24×7. During Covid times as well the government didn’t bother about the people. They were busy doing corruption. AAP leaders were the ones who were on ground helping Goans’’.


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