Khola Tales: Illegal roads, destruction of nature to give view for tourists at hefty price


Cola (Canacona): Few of the hotel industrialists have violated environmental norms to construct high priced resorts at Cab de Rama and now have increased their scale of lawlessness by illegally constructing a road on a natural plateau.

While local Cola panchayat has issued stop work notice to one Indarjeet Dixit of Dhenukriti Hospitality, Cabo-de-Rama, the question remains as to how this illegality was allowed.

The natural heritage of Cabo-de-Rama, which has historical importance, is completely destroyed with the setting up of resort, providing best of the view, at the cost of nature.

Sources claimed that one of the local BJP leader (we are not naming him. we will do it once we get his reaction) is completely fuelling these illegalities.

Three major resorts which high-priced room rates have been set up at this spot, while construction of more is currently underway.

Though belatedly, Cola panchayat on December 2, 2023 has issued notice to Dixit and his firm – Dhenukriti Heritage – acting upon a complaint from one Deepak Velip from Kuddi-Cola for carrying illegal construction of road in S No 271 of village Cola.

“You are therefore directed to stop the construction at once and report compliance to this office within three days from the period of this notice failing which further action will be taken against you under the provisions of law,” the notice reads.


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