Is Goa Pradesh Mahila Congress a NGO?, questions Auda Viegas


Margao: In a scathing attack on Goa Pradesh Mahila Congress Committee President Pratima Coutinho, Bailancho Ekvott Chief Auda Viegas has questioned the behaviour indulged by Coutinho after she was chargesheeted for revealing identity of minor girl who was molestation victim.

Viegas, who has been officiating as NGO in the entire case of molestation, has express disgust the way, Mahila Congress was trying to earn mileage out of the serious offence.

She also said that Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar or his son, should not be blamed in the case, as police had arrested the accused within two hours of filing the complaint. The accused, she said, spent almost a month before getting bailed out and is currently facing a trial in the court.

Coutinho has been accusing state government of harassment after she was named in the chargesheet filed acting on the complaint by Shiv Sena leader Rakhi Prabhudesai Naik.

Besides Coutinho, the charge-sheet also names congress leader Savitri Kavlekar, Netravali village panchayat’s deputy sarpanch Abhijit Desai and panch members Vitthal Gaonkar and Prakash Bhagat.

Viegas told reporters in Margao that the government has no role to play in the entire episode as the accused was in jail for almost a month. He was released after a month. He has been cooperating with police. The case is currently subjudice.

Reacting to the action of Pratima and others, and news in media, Viegas said POCSO act is a very serious act and it also explains the role of media.

She said that Coutinho and others have a chance to clear their names before the Judge as the matter is fixed for Argument before Charges.

“If she has not done offence, one should argue before the court and get the name deleted. But Pratima is trying to play politics,” she said.

“Just to get MP ticket, can I keep on taking names. Parrikar’s son never interfered in the case. I was very much at the police station when the complaint was lodged,” she said.

“You all went there after 8-10 days and then disclosed the name of the victim’s mother. In no form you can disclose identity of the victim,” she added.

“You are doing damage to the child. Child will be stigmatised. Even some paper reported that there was a rape,” she said.

“According to the guidelines of the act, child welfare committee should say, who can interfere with the child. Is Mahila Congress NGO? Why are they taking roles which does not belong to them,” Viegas questioned.

“Is mahila congress abiding by the law of the land. If they want to get elected they should know each and every law that applies to women. NGOs are slogging to bring sanity in the madness that is going on,” she said.


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