Panaji: Following is the advisory issued by the government against HMPV.
Please ensure timely reporting of all ILI and SARI cases on the IHIP Portal.
Proper line listing of all cases of SARI and lab-confirmed cases of Influenza on the IHIP Portal.
Patient safety measures – Isolation of suspect cases and other measures to prevent the spread of disease, including all universal precautions while treating patients with ILI/SARI.
Liaisoning with private hospitals in their district with MSNH to ensure proper reporting and treatment.
Ensure availability of the following:
- Paracetamol, Antihistamines, Bronchodilators, Cough syrups, etc., for alleviating the symptoms in mild cases.
- Availability of Oxygen and other support consumables.
- Capacity building – including hygiene/patient safety measures.
- Identification of facilities to treat severe cases of SARI with support system capacity, especially for ventilator support, and awareness generation amongst medical and paramedical staff.
The helpline number of DGHS, HQ – 011-22307145 or 011-22300012 may be used for information purposes.
Any feedback or necessary updates can be shared/communicated with the Public Health division of DGHS by email at