Drishti lifeguards rescue four tourists from rough waters at Vagator beach

Panaji: Alertness of the lifeguards once again averted a mishap after four tourists who had ventured into rough waters at Vagator beach were rescued by Drishti lifeguards.
On Tuesday afternoon, one female, 33, and three male tourists, aged 27, 28 and 30, tourists hailing from Haryana and Delhi entered into the waters at Vagator beach.
The lifeguards on duty alerted the tourists to retreat back to the shore as the sea conditions were not safe for swimming.
Despite repeated warning, the tourists continued to stay in the waters. To make sure they were safe, the lifeguards stayed close and continued patrolling around the area.
A short while later, one of the tourists got caught up in a rip current and was being dragged further away from the shore. He called out for help promoting his friends to rush to his aid. As the current was strong, they got caught into the rip current too.
The lifeguards alerted by the commotion rushed immediately with rescue boards and a rescue tube to assist the four. The secured the four individuals and brought them back safely to shore.
Meanwhile, an ambulance was called for by the lifeguard onshore. As one of the victims was breathless, oxygen was administered while the ambulance was entourage. On arrival, he was shifted to the hospital in the ambulance.
Drishti Lifeguards, Amit Shinde, Kiran Pawar, Vijay Parab and Rudresh Mahale had rescued the tourists.


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