Aam Aadmi Party Goa Convener Rahul Mhambre on Wednesday has demanded that the report of the state task force on the reopening of schools be made public so that parents and school management can make informed decisions for the betterment of students from class 1 to 7.
Mhambre indicated that many parents feel very skeptical about sending their children to school since children have been mostly at home since the first Covid outbreak. They are not even vaccinated, and neither the government nor schools are prepared to take responsibility for their safety.
“Why the decision is taken in such a hasty manner after completion of polls? Has the government consulted the school PTA and school management before taking the decision”, questioned Mhambre.
The AAP also opposed the management of schools in Goa seeking written consent from parents for sending their children for classroom teaching.
Mhambre said, “Schools began in offline mode across the state earlier this week after a break due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the management of several institutions asked parents to fill consent forms which made it clear that students were attending class at their own risk”.
Adding he said, “The responsibility of caring for students within a campus rests with the school. Making parents sign such consent forms raises concerns. Therefore, the government should let parents decide whether to send their children to school or not”.