Panaji: The Revolutionary Goans Chief, Manoj Parab condemns the attack on a man from Vasco who was shot by some unknown persons in broad daylight at Bogmalo recently. The attack on Amar Naik from Sancoale is the final warning bell for the Goans. If this continues it will be even difficult for Goans to come out of their houses. Externment of migrants is the need of the hour. Why should Goans risk their lives due to the vote bank politics of these petty politicians who are housing these migrants.
“Goa is witnessing many attacks on Goans by migrants. The crime rate is increasing at a very rapid pace. Several cases of attacks on activists and locals with guns are getting common. This is what Revolutionary Goans have been highlighting over the years. Goa is becoming like UP and Bihar where the life of Goans is at risk,” said Manoj.
Revolutionary Goans feel that the migrant influx is left unchecked and the setting up of illegal slums is at its peak. Vote bank politics has ruined our peaceful life in Goa.
“We demand strict police verification of the people entering Goa and also those staying in slums and other migrant colonies. Police verification from their native place should be made mandatory as Goa is an international tourist destination and incidents like these will put Goa on the world map for wrong activities. A special police task force should be appointed on priority basis to do this job. Externement of all such migrants who have a history of such activities should be done,” said Manoj.
“We want Goa to be a state safe for every citizen living and visiting the state. It is high time vote bank politics ends and illegal voting cards should be cancelled,” he added