Rain fury; Bogda Mormugao students facing tough time, Parents-locals upset 


Mormugao: About 50 odd students studying at Government Primary School and Sanjay School located at Bogda Vasco were indeed very happy when they were recently shifted to a new school building premises but with the start of monsoon, all their excitement turned into disappointment as every time it rains water enters into their classroom, leaving the students to suffer.

Raising their serious concerns, some of the parents have even stopped sending their ward to these schools with the fear that their ward becoming ill. “As parents, we do everything we can to try and keep our kids from becoming ill.  We take precautions at home but what about the school where classrooms get flooded with water during rains. Currently I have stopped sending my ward to school as I fear that he might fall sick if the conditions at the school remain the same,” a parent told

MMC Councilor Nilesh Navelkar raised serious questions about the quality of the work of the school building. He said “The way rain water enters into the classrooms of this new school building; I have my serious doubts on the construction quality. The department concerned should check whether the contractor has completed his job efficiently and has made proper drainage system for rain water or not,”.

ADEI Vasco however have assured to look into the matter.


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