Fishermen forum in Goa rejects draft CRZ notification 2011


Panaji: As a part of nationwide strike call given by the National Fishworkers’ Forum (NFF), the Goencha Raponkarancho Ekvott (GRE), has strongly rejected the draft Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) notification 2018, pointing to the fact that 20 percent of the State’s total coastline already being affected due to erosion.

GRE today morning staged protest and submitted memorandum to Goa Coastal Zone Management Authority (GCZMA) raising their objection to draft CRZ notification and demanding that the same be put forward before the Union Ministry for Environment and Forest (MoEF).

“We unanimously reject the draft CRZ 2018 as already 20% of the 105 km of Goa’s coastline has already been affected by erosion, the Colvale area in North Goa and River Talpona in South Goa is already affected by erosion. In the view of above situation, We request you to Please do raise this important issue and send our objection to MOEF at the earliest,” GRE president Agnelo Fernandes said in their representation.

“We seek your attention and action in rejecting this disturbing Draft Coastal Regulation Zone Notification 2018. We urge you to recommend to the Government of India, that it must evolve a new Coastal Rights Bill in a manner which is democratic, based on consultation with the primary stakeholders – the coastal community and in consultation with all Constitutional and Statutory bodies,” GRE has demanded further.

It has further said that the CRZ 2011, if not CRZ 1991 notification be implemented before Government of India comes out with another CRZ notification. This is to ensure that the new draft does not legitimize and regularize past violations.

GRE has also said that the Coastal Zone Management Plans (CZMPs) under the CRZ, 2011 be completed including the demarcation of lines, zones, plans and the long-term housing needs of coastal fisher communities – in a transparent and accountable way, with community participation and wisdom being incorporated.


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