Panaji: Congress party today kept its promise of taking up the issues of vendors from the market to the corporation of city of Panaji. The delegation led by GPCC chief Girish Chodankar met the Commissioner to place the memorandum. Panaji block president Prasad Amonkar was also present with the delegation.
Following issues are highlighted by congress in its meeting with the CCP commissioner.
1.No Proper Infrastructure namely
- a) No Proper lights
- b) No Proper fans
- c) No Proper wiring leaving public safety at risk
- d) Sopos are broken
2) No Proper Hygiene, the toilets are stinking & the staircase other passages are Very shabby.
- No Proper Management by Panaji Municipality as regards waste disposal and cleanliness. The Sopos are less compared to Vendors.
- Vendors inside the market are unable to do business as the ones outside are allowed to sit till10:30 ambeyond their timings of 9 am.
- No fire safety mechanism in place.
The Congress party demands immediate action on your part of your good office within 15 days . Hope the needful will be done