SC’s decision on Goa Panchayat poll expected: Vijai Sardesai


Panaji: Goa Forward Party Chief Vijai Sardesai said that Supreme Court’s decision today not to interfere in the order of the High Court of Bombay at Goa directing the State of Goa and the Election Commission to hold the panchayat elections within 45 days of its order is in conformity with the provisions of our Constitution, and unlike many who had expressed ‘hope’ of a different outcome, it was as I reckoned and expected. Appointing administrators is not a substitute for elections, and is definitely not the way to empower local bodies. This displays lack of administrative and policy control.


“However, my disappointment in this affair is that the Other Backward Communities who haven’t got their due because of the inability to complete the reservation process. This is a serious shortcoming, and I’m surprised that even the party that was suggesting that their choice of Chief Minister would be from a particular OBC community, have nothing to say now,” he said.




“I also feel that the government’s top leadership is being continuously ill-advised and misrepresented in serious matters that concern the people. Going by past experience we have of the government’s governance style and decision making process, like when they were seriously reprimanded by the Supreme Court while dismissing the State’s appeal in the Municipal Election process in March of 2021, and now with another set-back handed out by the apex court, it is a matter of concern that we as a state, are being repeatedly course-corrected, and sometimes admonished by the courts on matters of governance and routine administration.”




Sardesai said that the political leadership should understand the gravity of this situation and seriously reflect on reviewing government decisions to ensure that they are not taken arbitrarily and without enough homework so that such difficult and unfavourable situations are avoided in the future.




  1. Independent Candidates Betrayed Goans by joining the BJP. They got anti-BJP votes. Today Goans are suffering because of these independent Candidates.


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