MGP blocks Khandepar bridge to welcome Santa Clause, put people to inconvenience


Ponda: After swearing by the convenience of the people during inauguration of Khandepar Bridge, MGP has acted arrogantly by holding Christmas Festivities on the same structure. Hours after it was dedicated to the State, the bridge is now hosting Christmas Program organised by MGP.

This act was earned lot of ire for Dipak Dhavalikar-led party specially because PWD Minister Sudin Dhavalikar during inauguration of the bridge had swore by the convenience to the people. The timing of the inauguration of incomplete bridge has also been questioned.

MGP’s entertainment programmes are being held since December 22 and will culminate on Christmas Day.

Goa’s leading newspaper The Navhind Times quoting the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has said that the officials of the authority were unaware about the such function on the bridge.

“It’s complete misuse of power wherein party of PWD Minister Ramakrishna ‘Sudin’ Dhavalikar is using public bridge for private functions and no one is daring to raise voice against it,” expressed a local from Khandepar, as per the report in The Navhind Times.

“Work on the approach road to the bridge is yet to be completed and the one-way traffic on the bridge is allowed through a service road which is causing a lot of hardship to people. However, without giving much consideration to this issue, the bridge was inaugurated in a hurry and now MGP has organised entertainment programmes on it,” expressed another local from Opa.

The newspaper has also quoted  PWD’s principal chief engineer Uttam Parsekar, who has said that   he was unaware of any such programmes taking place on the bridge. PWD’s assistant engineer Dattaprasad Kamat said that he was unaware of any permission being given to organise programmes on the bridge.

MGP is earning bashing on social media due to their act.

The netizens have openly expressed their unhappiness over this kind of display of power by the party.


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