Father of Art of Mime Niranjan Goswami to train students in August


Panaji: ‘Taleem Theatre and Films’ is an organisation dedicatedly working towards promotion of Art and Culture in India. Our aim is to engage our audience with universal stories that speak to the human experience and challenge conversation,  to make connections to life,  to support local artists, to provide arts education to all ages through workshops and to foster a new generation of theatre arts participants and supporters.


As we speak of art education Taleem comes with workshop series ‘Let’s Learn from the Legends’. Our first workshop in this series will be facilitated by recipient of the PadmaShri & Sangeet Natak Akademi awards and who has pioneered the Art of Mime in India, Mr. Niranjan Goswami.


This will be an exclusive and intense workshop designed especially for Actors and Classical, Folk & Contemporary Dancers and for those who really want to explore this art form.


The area of performing art  training that is most commonly overlooked is the overall cultivation of bodily expression and control. Such an awareness of the method of communication through the body is addressed and developed by training in the discipline known as Art of Mime.


In mime, the language is inaudible but the message is clear as crystal. We believe in this poetic world of gestures, we can listen to the sound of silence.


Workshop will be held in Kala Academy, Panaji, Goa from 6th August to 12th August 2019. For registrations & more information kindly visit our website taleemtheatreandfilms.com and you can write your queries to us at taleemtheatreandfilms@gmail.com.


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