Calangute Police arrest 70 year old man for outraging modesty of a woman


Calangute Police have arrested one person namely Mr. Agnelo S/o Luis Pereira, age 70 yrs R/o Gauravado, Calangute – Goa for outraging the modesty of a woman and assaulting her freind.

As per PI Jivba Dalvi one complainant was received from a lady residing at Gauravado, Calangute that the accused person grabbed her hand and forcefully tried to hug her. The lady rescued herself and later her friend went to confront with the accused when even her freind was assaulted with a knife causing him injury.

Police registered an offence under section 354, 324 IPC.

Accused person was arrested immediately and is presently lodged in judicial custody in Colvale jail.

Further investigation is in progress .


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