Mapusa: Bharatiya Janata Party is expected to repeat their act of Bangalore South Constituency in Goa. After the demise of Union Minister H N Ananth Kumar, the party has selected his wife Tejaswini to contest on Lok Sabha ticket. Similar, action is expected in Mapusa by-election which is necessitated after death of BJP MLA Francis D’Souza last month.
His son, Joshua, has vowed to carry on legacy of his father, as he was handling the affairs of his office, since the time he fell sick.
Joshua is already in the electoral politics and is elected to Mapusa Municipal Council. The young politician has earned fan-following amongst the voters due to his proactive attitude.
With BJP beginning its process to select candidate for by-elections at Mapusa, Mandrem and Shiroda, Joshua is considered to be a natural choice for the party.
The way after Ananthkumar’s demise, the BJP leaders had assured that his family wont be let down, in a similar fashion, the party leaders are in constant touch with Joshua since the time Francis passed away.
What qualifies Joshua to be the next BJP candidate is the fact that he has been handling the affairs of the constituency along with his father and then single handedly, when Francis fell-ill.
Even in the absence of Francis, Joshua has not the pace of development stop in the constituency. He was also accessible to all the voters who used to flock the office of Francis, located at his residence in Mapusa.
Mapusa constituency always remained under the control of Francis, while there is no other leader, who could match his caliber.
The upcoming by-election is likely to be a cakewalk for BJP, if they give ticket to Joshua, who is already active in the social field.
Bjp ally Goa Forward Party has already extended their support to Joshua to carry ahead legacy of his father.