Alvara land issue continues to plague Sattari locals Devendra Gaonkar


Sattari: Around four thousands plus Alvara land holders’ files have been submitted to the Government but since last two years out of that 2,500 of them, not a single have been given justice.

The land holders claim that they have been getting only correspondences from the Collectorate asking for more documents.  The land holders claim that they don’t possess the documents, which have been asked the district administration.

They claim that they would not have to approach government, if they had all those documents,w hich are sought by the District Administration.

One of the land holder, Devendra Gawas said that he has spent almost Rs one lakh in preparing the documents.

“One and half years back, I had submitted the file but it is still being processed.

We have received a letter from the Sattari Mamlatdar office asking to submit  more documents related to the Alvara land like Inventory proceeding, Title grant, Cadastral Plan and many others documents, which we doesn’t have,” he said.

We demand to the government to get the provisions amended.

Gurudas Gaonkar said that the government had promised to solve the issue before 2022 Assembly Election.

“There is no Inventory proceeding provision in getting the Alvara land ownership right. The Sattari residents cannot get their ancestors death documents and other certificates to get the full Alvara land ownership right,” said Advocate Ganpat Gaonkar.

“The Government have to make the other provisions to get the full ownership of Alvara land right. They have to make the committee, the way they have made the Forest Right Committee to get the Forest land rights,” he added.



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