Viva Sao Joao, people jump in wells, swimming pools to celebrate


Goa: Goa ushered in one of its unique festival – Sao Joao with revelers jumping in the wells since morning to commemorate the day in the name of St John de Baptista.

The monsoons have set over Goa and it rained during the morning adding up to the enthusiasm of the revelers. Though it is a working day, many preferred to skip their work, and enjoy leap in the water.

The festival welcomes monsoon season in the state.

Interestingly, at many places, the festival had begun from Sunday with group of people starting the celebrations which were continued on Monday.

Traditionally, people jump into the well wearing ‘kopel’ but since the wells are fast disappearing, people prefer to celebrate it in swimming pools.

This morning, People broke coconuts after praying, down feni in liberal quantities, and jump into the closest water body they can find. The artistically inclined make crowns of fresh fruit and wildflowers and one large garland for the local cross

At several places, the artificial rain was created to avoid disturbance in celebrations, in case rains do not turn up.

The rains had remained absent in the state till weekend but picked up the pace on Sunday.

It poured at many places on Monday providing perfect weather for the revelers.

During the day, we will get you videos and stories about Sao Joao Festival.


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