Goa Forward President Vijai Sardesai Raises Flooding Concerns in Fatorda due to Western Bypass Construction



Margao: Goa Forward Party President, Vijai Sardesai, has expressed grave concerns over the potential flooding of low-lying areas in Fatorda due to the ongoing construction of the Western Bypass in Benaulim. The decision to build the Benaulim stretch on earth embankments––instead of on stilts like on the Mungul section––poses a significant risk to the surrounding areas.

Sardesai called for the immediate reevaluation of the construction plan, and urged the government to undertake the project on stilts. “This alternative approach would not only benefit the people of Benaulim but also prevent the backflow of floodwater, and avert the inundation of the low-lying fields in Mungul”, Sardesai said. “A bypass on stilts will be immensely beneficial to the people of Benaulim, and prevent potential flooding” in Fatorda, he added.

Seized by the seriousness of the issue, Sardesai has assured the people of Fatorda that he will take this up with both the state and central governments, to arrive at a comprehensive plan to mitigate the threat of flooding. With the monsoons around the corner, he stated that his primary focus will be to safeguard those areas in Fatorda that could be severely impacted if the Benaulim section continues to be built on earth embankments. Although the Fatorda section of the bypass is being constructed on stilts, flooding due to backflow from low lying areas being filled with earth is of high possibility .

Sardesai impressed upon the concerned authorities the urgency of this matter, and urged them to take immediate steps to prevent the inundation of areas along the Sal catchment areas especially in Fatorda. He reiterated his commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of the residents of Fatorda, and promised to work tirelessly until a favourable resolution is reached.


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