Drone skill development workshop was organized by GSINC in Prototyping Lab at Don Bosco College of Engineering.


The instructors of the workshop were engineers from Ulavan Agritech Services. This is a agritech startup working on providing drone based services for farmers in Goa. Ulavan also aims to create a drone skill base in Goa so as to fulfill the future requirements of drone operators and engineers once the technology blooms. They have conducted numerus workshops in the past before the pandamic and online workshops during the pandemic.


The workshop began with an introduction of what a drone is, followed by an overview of different types of drones. The students were taught about physics and parts of a drone which make it fly.The workshop began with theory concepts, the speaker being Mr Rajdutt Kenkre. Topics covered were: what a drone is, followed by an overview of different types of drones, their uses and the different parts that make up a drone.

The session concluded with Mr Aditya Parab and Mr Ravindra Nayak, giving hands on flight simulator training to the students and afterward an actual drone flight on the DBCE ground.


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