CM’s backtracking on Bhumiputra Adhikarni Bill exposes the hollowness of the bill and his policies


“Time to scrap this election gimmick that was passed without discussion” AAP Goa Convenor Goa Rahul Mhambre

A day after the Bhumiputra Adhikarni Bill took up the headlines the CM Pramod Sawant has backtracked on the bill accepting the hollowness of it. All of Goa was dissatisfied with the bill in its form and how it was passed. The bill was hurriedly passed without any discussions with stakeholders and with an intent to fool Goans with an election Gimmick. There is no better proof of this than how the CM has backtracked on the bill right now. This bill must now be scrapped in its present form as it is not in the benefit of anyone but MLAs and their cronies. AAP also states emphatically that Sawant must not venture again to get such a legislation as it’s not in the interest of any Goenkar.

If the voice of Goenkars was so important, how come this bill was passed without discussion in the Assembly? Should stakeholders only be taken into consideration after public outcry? Is the BJP and the CM not aware of the basic tenets of Democracy? Instead of participating in stunts like renaming the bill, the BJP must recognise its folly and scrap the bill in totality. It is ridiculous that discussions on a bill are being sought after and not before the bill is passed. Especially since it was passed in such a hurried and undemocratic manner.

The fact of the matter is that this bill is nothing but an Election Gimmick. No one would have gained from it and lengthy court procedures would have led to MLAs and their cronies buying Goans lands to turn into a new breed of land Mafia all over the state.

“This bill passed by Pramod Sawant & the BJP is just an election gimmick” said AAP Goa Convenor Rahul Mhambre “When the Aam Aadmi Party forms the Govt it will make sure all its policies are made with the confidence of people and to benefit all sections of Goan society equitably & not just a few MLAs and their cronies. All it needs is political will and honest intention. But all Pramod Sawant cares about is jumlas”added Mhambre


  1. MGP is the best friend of Congress & BJP. No doubt even 1%. These Trio has ruled Goa for almost 50 Years. They see AAP a threat for their Friendship. Congress & BJP cannot form alliance with AAP and hence they sent MGP to form alliance with AAP and finish AAP in Goa.


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