Bank security guard arrested for placing mobile and filming in ladies toilets


Old Goa: In a very shameful incident Old Goa police have arrested one watchman Mr. Subhash Dalbir Singh presently working as a security guard for a nationalised bank in Calapur, Old Goa.

As per PI Jivba Dalvi a complaint was received from the lady cashier of a nationalised bank that when she went to use the washroom in the bank premises she noticed one mobile phone kept hidden behind a mop near the wash basin.

Upon checking she found that video recording was going on and checking the video she saw the security guard keeping it as it could be seen in the video when he had kept the same.

The accused security guard was join  just 17 days ago by the bank.

Immediately police were informed who than immediately arrested the accused person under section 354(C) for committing the crime of vouyerism.

PI Dalvi has requested all the women who use common toilets or washrooms to check the premises thoroughly before using it to avoid any such criminal acts.

Further investigation is in progress with PSI Shivram Gauns under the supervision of PI Jivba Dalvi.


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