IMA Goa chief Dr Vinayak Buvaji wins coveted award during NATCON 2021


Panaji: The Indian Medical Association’s Goa State President Dr Vinayak Buvaji was awarded “best adjudged State President for the State at National level” during the 96th IMA ‘NATCON 2021” held at Patna on December 27-28.


Buvaji was awarded with a memento and an appreciation certificate for the dedicated work done under the banner of IMA Goa State.


IMA Goa State Hon Secretary Dr Pradnya Kakodkar said that Buvaji has been instrumental in community services through IMA Goa during COVID pandemic over last two years and has been a member of Covid Expert Task force committee for State of Goa.


This honour was given through the National President Dr. J. A. Jayalal and National Secretary Dr. Jayesh Lele.


Congratulating Buvaji, the past President of IMA Goa Dr Shekhar Salkar said that the accolade won by him was ‘much deserved.’


“During the pandemic times, Dr Buvaji has successfully led IMA team and hundreds of doctors to the rescue of the patients. The service provided to the Home isolated patients and those who arrived at the clinics by private doctors is commendable,” he said.


Dr Salkar said that Buvaji has also given his valuable suggestions to the State government as a part of Experts’ committee, which has been looked upon as a body that guides the state government on tackling the pandemic.


Dr Salkar has congratulated all the members of Goa IMA for this award.


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