Govt to examine data of CMIE on unemployment: CMO


Panaji: With Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) pegging unemployment in Goa highest at 34 per cent in the entire country, Goa Chief Minister’s Office has said that the Government is examining the details of the report and the survey conducted by it.

“While the Government is examining the details of the report and the survey conducted by CMIE, it is pertinent to highlight several issues which are apparent from the bare reading of the report,” Chief Minister’s Office has said in a press statement released on Thursday.

“As per the data of CMIE itself, the unemployment rate in Goa for past years has averaged close to the national average of around seven percent with seasonal fluctuations pulling unemployment to as low as 2.1 per cent,” CMO has said.

“Even the unemployment figures of last month that is October 2019 stands at 9.1 per cent. Further, comparison with unemployment figure of same month (November) in year 2018 gives an entirely different picture, wherein unemployment rate was 2.1 per cent,” he said.

 CMO has said that the present unemployment figure shows a jump of about 1600 per cent in unemployment rate from November 2018 (month to month). “This needs explanation as the figure is anamolous considering past trends and history. Also, with no out of turn event happening which can explain the reason behind such a jump, the current figure of 34.5 per cent appears to be a statistical outlier,” he said.

“In contrast to above, Government has undertaken substantial recruitment drives in Government this year, and has facilitated private sector to flourish, resulting in enhanced job opportunities for the locals,” CMO said.

“It is the endeavour of the Government to further facilitate the employment and employability for Goans. The Government is aware and committed to the employment cause of Goans,” the release adds.


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