Govt has issued licences to only 7,000 migrant workers in Goa


Panaji: State Revenue Minister Atanasio Monserratte on Monday told the House that only 7,000 migrant workers are issued licence by the state government under Inter State Migrant Workmen Act, 1979.

In a written reply tabled on the floor of the House by Leader of Opposition Yuri Alemao, Monserratte said that the 7192 migrant labourers were issued licences issued under Inter State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Services) Act, 1979 and the Rules made thereunder.

As per the annexure provided on the floor of the house, in the year 2019, 49 licences were issued covering 2,292 migrant labourers, in 2020 the number went up to 26 covering 1328 labourers, 2021 it was 26 licences with 1477 labourers and 2022, total 31 licences were issued veering 1702 labourers.

In the year 2023, till date six licences were issued covering 393 migrant labourers, the reply mentions.

Monserratte said that the identification of migrant workers is being done strictly in accordance with provisions of Inter State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Services) Act, 1979 and Rules thereunder.

“For the purpose regular and surprise inspections are being carried out by the enforcement machinery,” the minister said.

He said that the Principal Employer and the Contractors engaging migrant workmen are required to obtain Registration Certificate and Licences respectively.

The minister said that the department has not conducted any survey to check unregistered migrant labourers but “regular surprised inspections
are carried out by the enforcement machinery.”


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