Glowing Skin: Ayurvedic Remedies and Medicines to glow your Skin and improve Complexion. By Dr Vijay Malik



Having a clean, lustrous and attractive Skin is the dream of many people and aim of many  youngsters. I have seen people trying everything under the sky and specially things shown on television or social media for getting bright complexion and shiny glow. People don’t hesitate to spend a lot of hard core money in futile trials and do not have any authentic guarantee of getting  expected results. Changing brands of fairness creams, visiting high paid salons is all waste in case of many clients. Cosmetics applied regularly results in reducing skin texture and tone. At times these cosmetics contain allergic ingredients and other carcinogenic.

Taking all these risks might help you to some extent, but chances are more that it will lead you to doctor. Sometimes damaged caused can be treated clinically, at times treatment can be done with surgery; depending on severity of the problem. But in few cases wrong use of cosmetics cause permanent damage which is irreparable.


We can safeguard our skin with little care. But there are some other factors which are unavoidable such as hereditary factors, pollutants, hormones; have their say in this matter.


So, there is an immediate need of safe and effective, natural herbal complexion enhancers.


Ayurveda emphasizes the utility of various  set of medicaments –

1) Blood soothers  – Rakta Prasadaka herbs.

2) Blood detoxifiers- Rakta Shodhaka

3) complexion enhancers – Kanti Vardhaka


Complexion enhancers are directly linked with the effect of blood cleansers or blood purifiers. So, before proceeding to the complexion enhancing drugs, it will be essential to consume the blood cleansers  or blood soothing  herbs.

Ayurveda treats every disease from roots. Only applying medicine for toning complexion will give superficial results, which is done in most of the cases in other line of treatments. As per Ayurveda line of treatment when we start detoxifying blood first the natural glow will start enhancing in patients and then booster treatment for glowing skin and complexion will give more better results, which are permanent and without any ill effects.


Single herbs

Single drugs used to enhance the complexion/lustre;-


Tree turmeric



Red sandalwood

Aloe vera  etc


Oil massage for beautifying  Skin

Virgin coconut oil– used for face massage. It helps in improving  Skin texture, complexion and also to relieve Skin problems such as acne, scars, as a sunscreen protection and my favorite WORLD’S BEST MOISTURIZER.

It is not advisable to use any oil marketed as Ayurvedic, because Ayurved believes in special treatment according to Prakruti of patient. There are many specially processed oil for massage to improve skin tone and complexion, which can be used only after consulting your Ayurvedic Dermatologist.


Ayurvedic home remedies


Simple home remedies for a healthy glowing Skin

Aloe Vera pulp – 20 grams is added with half a teaspoon (3 grams) turmeric powder and heated for a minute and should be applied externally. Leave  for 20 minutes, rinse  with water.


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