Custodial death or murder before hit-and-run, Goa police probe for a correct answer


Margao: The death of 31-year-old Bihari labourer Kanhaiyakumar Mondal is now pointing out towards the possibility of custodial death as Ponda police personnel were the one who had seen him last before his body was found on the road at Loutolim on June 25 night.

Superintendent of Police (South) Sunita Sawant has already suspended three policemen including Ravindra Naik (Head Constable), Ashwin Sawant (Constable) and Pritesh Prabhu (Driver, Constable) — attached to Ponda police station on Thursday.

These were the policemen who had released the deceased at Loutolim, on the way to Verna Industrial Estate, on the fateful night. The question now remains as to how and why Police Control Room van of Ponda police station came all the way to drop the accused, that too in the dead end of the night.

The incident happened on June 25.


Few hours later, post-midnight, Maina Curtorim had received a call stating that a person was found dead on the main road. He was apparently ran over by a truck and went without stopping.

The initial investigation was pointing out towards hit and run case as there was no mention about the deceased in the diary of Ponda police. Maina Curtorim police were searching for the truck driver. The driver was finally arrested at Karnataka on July 4 and was brought to the police station.


The real twist in the story came when District Hospital at Margao conducted the postmortem on the body. What was found in the postmortem report was stunning for the medical officers and also the investigating agencies. Team led by Dr Madhu Godhikirekar had conducted the postmortem.

The report mentioned that there were injuries on the body with “sharp weapon with damage to abdominal organs caused by a sharp cutting penetrating weapon in a person.”
The following observation changed the entire course of investigation. The forensic experts observed “having postmortem motor vehicular run over type crushing injuries for entire trunk, abdomen, pelvis and upper one third of lower limb.”

To explain in nutshell, the postmortem report said that the deceased had four stab injuries on abdomen and one on the neck and he had died before truck ran over him.

This means someone had murdered him and left him on the road so that in the darkness of the night, the truck will run over him and it will look like accident.

The questions that arise now is that why did Ponda police did not had entry of his detention, why did Ponda police came all the way to drop him at Loutolim, why did Ponda police left him on the road, was he alive when dropped or dead, did someone stabbed him after police dropped him, or he died in the custody and police tried to dispose off the body.

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