With victory of petotioner and High Court setting aside reservations, GPCC Vice President Sankalp Amonkar demands resignation of Urban Development Minister Milind Naik



With the victory of petitioners and the High Court setting aside the recent reservations of the upcoming civic polls, GPCC Vice President Sankalp Amonkar has demanded the resignation of urban development minister Milind Naik.
Amonkar said that Naik was to be blamed for the reservations mess and the injustice done to all the women and people of the SC,ST and OBC . Amonkar thanked the Court for the Justice and called this the victory of the petitioners and the women of Goa. Amonkar said that he was also prepared to go to Supreme Court in case the state goes to Supreme Court with a special leave petition. Amonkar said that this was the beginning of the end of the BJP Rule and demanded that Milind Naik resign on moral ground or that the Government sack him for having failed to handle the urban development ministry that caused the mess across goa. Amonkar said the BJP was willing to go all out to win elections hook or crook and with the help of manipulation that had backfired the government and also demanded that the action be take on the DMA who was acting like a rubber stamp before the urban development minister Milind Naik.


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