Siolim Village Panchayat files FIR against villagers for destroying Government documents 


Panaji : Monali Pednekar the Sarpanch of Siolim village Panchayat has filed a police complaint against the local villagers who caused ruckus and chaos during the Gram Sabha which was held on sunday 28th February 2021.

“After the meeting started the V.P Secretary Subhash Kambli read the minutes of the previous Gramsabha held on 19/1/2020. While reading the proposals some Gramsabha members Udesh Pangam resident of Vaddy and Manny Pereira -Igrej Vaddo-Marna and others joined to object to the signing on the proceeding register informing the Sarpanch that there should be two books one for the signatures of the Gramsabha members tending the meeting and other register to record the resolutions,” the complaint by Sarpanch Monali Pednekar reads.
Pednekar complained that some villagers were not ready to sign on the attendance register and when the register reached them they cancelled the signatures of those who had already signed. “This is a violation of law as they have interfered and destroyed the records on government documents” argued Pednekar.
The complainant says that such act of indiscipline, mischief of destroying the evidence on the gramsabha proceeding register amounts to destroying of Government records, not allowing a Government servant to record the day’s proceedings minutes of the Gramsabha held on 28th February 2021.


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