Road junction in Gulem Canacona an accident hotspot


Canacona: Dangerous and busy road junction in Canacona calls for authorities attention following often accidents on busy national highway 66 in Gulem.


Locals and business owners along the stretch have informed that at every second day the accident is witnessed at the road junction of Palolem-Agonda near The Highway Nest restaurant.


Speeding vehicles have been seen as the road is very straight till the foothills of Karmalghat foothills and the road is now widened with badly designed intersections.


Majority of the tourists heading towards the famous South Goa beaches of Palolem and Agonda have to take diversion from the same junction in Gulem. The tourists as well as other local motorists are facing a difficult time to take the diversion at this junction leading to often accidents.


Urban planners have widened several stretches in Canacona to facilitate the smooth functioning of the traffic but they seem to have thrown all engineering aspects at traffic junctions to the wind”, said a local Prasad Dalvi.


The neglected accident hotspot has now become a headache to the police, vehicle users and pedestrians. Locals have demanded immediate intervention of the concerned departments in view to control the accidents for the smooth functioning of traffic.


Suresh Pujari, who has a tyre puncture shop near the junction has demanded that authorities shall at least install the traffic signal and rumble strips on the highway as well as the connecting road to highway.


Traffic and local police too remained silent on the issue and have made minimum enforcement at this unscientific junction. Infact there have been no proposal moved by the traffic police to the authorities to control the chaos at the busy junction on National Highway.


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