Archbishop of Faridabad diocese Kuriakose Bharanikulangara released a press statement condemning Churchill Alemao’s attempt to politicise Little Flower Church issue



The Diocese of Faridabad condemned the act of filing a writ petition before the Delhi High Court regarding the demolition of the Delhi Little Flower Church.

TMC Benaulim candidate Churchill Alemao has filed a writ petition in the Delhi High Court seeking orders to rebuild the Little Flowers Church, which was demolished last year.

In response, the Diocese of Faridabad issued a press release on Saturday stating that it comes just ten days before the elections in Goa raises questions about politicising the issue. It is embarassing that such move at this point in time, on the eve of the elections may be interpreted as trying to use the Church and religion for petty political gains.

They have also stated that the Church never wanted to politicise or communalise this issue. In fact, after the demolition of the Church, the diocesan authorities had contacted the Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal and other civil authorities. Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal provided full support and consolation to them.

Furthermore the Church said that Kejriwal assisted in the rebuilding of a temporary church so that the Catholic community in the locality could celebrate Christmas in Little Flower Church under a roof.

Meanwhile, earlier Archbishop Kuriakose Bhalangikuran had made it clear that the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) under the guidance of the Central government demolished the structure without giving proper time to church people to seek legal advice. There were 200 police officials were deployed at the demolition site.

Furthermore, he stated that everyone came to support them at the time of demolition, but then disappeared. Only the Kejriwal government followed up on the matter, promising assistance in facilitating its reconstruction.


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