My love for the environment supersedes external validation – Urvi Sardesai


Content Credits:- Annalise Benjamin,

Instagram Page Students of the world


“ When it comes to education, I have had quite the journey, from Goa to Pune to Vancouver to London. In school, I was known as the girl with the two plaits. A lasting series of memories I have of school is of house spirit, monologues, dramas which built a spirit of camaraderie. At 13, I was adamant that I would grow up to be a biochemist. So, when I went to Pune to complete my higher secondary at the IB level, I chose PCB, the obvious choice. IB was quite the journey for me as it was the first time I stayed away from home. As an only child, I was not used to sharing a space but this experience opened me up. IB facilitates thinking outside the box and that’s when I began my applications to complete my BSc. I got into my dream university, University of British Columbia.

I started off as a BSc student. The strict idea that I had imposed on myself, idealising research as it suited my general disposition was about to come to its end. My classmates were on their path to take up pre-med, which was definitely not what I wished to dabble with. What opened my horizons was the elective choice that the North-American education system enforces. I took a couple of Arts and Conservation courses and for the fun of it I took a Greek law class, for the sake of my love for Greek culture. To my surprise, I loved every moment and rose against my own expectations. It struck me, maybe research wasn’t my future. May be a 13 year old shouldn’t decide the fate of my entire life.

After much consideration, I decided to switch my degree to Arts in my second year. I chose one of the most tedious course UBC has to offer, International Relations. This suited my personality with its freestyle nature. The agency the degree offered really mattered to me. My personality did sync up to what a good lawyer would be. I decided to pursue by Senior Status Law Degree at Queen Mary, London. I am currently focusing on intellectual property and environment. People might differ from my opinion that the two fields are interrelated but my love for both triumphs. My love for the environment supersedes external validation. Always will.”


  1. This post has been taken off from my page on Instagram, official students of the world. Kindly give credit to the same


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