HC has unlocked the democracy locked by frustrated politicians at St Andre: Ramrao Wagh


Panaji: St Andre based BJP leader Ramrao Wagh has welcomed the decision of the High Court to stay the order of Additional Panchayat Director in connection with the election of Sarpanch of Siridao-Pale panchayat.

Wagh reacted “High Court has unlocked the democracy that was locked by those frustrated politician who after exhausting misuse of power finally resorted to dirty trick of locking the panchayat. The shady role of police, directorate of panchayat officials and observer that was handpicked to subvert the process stands totally exposed by this verdict.”

Wagh said that he hails the stay granted by high Court to the order by additional Director of Panchayat regarding cancelation of no confidence motion on the Sarpanch.


  1. Corrupt Government Officials are the reason for today’s Goans sufferings. They take months or even years to pass one simple file of common man, which require only few days to pass. Without bribes they even not looking at the common man face, forget about completing the file of the common man. Whenever common man goes to the office, next chair employee says that he/she is on outdoor work. But actually he/she is at home or doing some of its personal business outdoor. They must be punctual and if he/she is gone out or on leave then there must be a replacement to sign/work on his/her behalf.


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